binary_streams(n) 1.0 "flibs"


binary_streams - Implement binary streams




use binary_streams
call binstream_open( stream, lun, filename, error )
call binstream_close( stream )
call binstream_seek( stream, start, offset )
pos = binstream_tell( stream )
call binstream_read( stream, var, error )
call binstream_write( stream, var, error )


The binary_streams module defines a set of subroutines and functions that allows you to read a file as if it were a "stream" of bytes, rather than, as is more usual a set of records.

The module uses direct-access file I/O but hides the fact that you read from individual records. By providing two routines to query and set the position of the next read/write action and by automatically positioning a "file pointer" otherwise, the module offers the benefits of both direct-access files and sequential files.

Note: In Fortran 2003, the notion of "streams" is formalised. This module will be superfluous with compilers supporting Fortran 2003. Also there are a number of issues that may or may not come into play on a particular system - see the section on IMPLEMENTATION NOTES.


The module defines a single data type, BINARY_STREAM, and several functions and subroutines:

use binary_streams
The name of the module

Files are opened and the necessary data are kept in variables of this type.

call binstream_open( stream, lun, filename, error )
Open the file "filename" using the LU-number "lun". If some error occurs, the argument "error" is set to true.

type(binary_stream) stream
The variable by which to reference the file

integer, intent(in) lun
The LU-number to connect the file to

character(len=*), intent(in) filename
The name of the file to open

logical, intent(out) error
Argument indicating whether opening the file was successful or not. Note that the file is opened with read/write access (though not explicitly) and that it is opened in such a way that the record length is 4 bytes. If this is not possible (for any number of reasons), an error is returned.

call binstream_close( stream )
Close the file that was opened as a stream.

type(binary_stream) stream
The variable by which to reference the file

call binstream_seek( stream, start, offset )
Set the position in the file (either from the start or from the current position).

type(binary_stream) stream
The variable by which to reference the file

logical, intent(in) start
If true, the offset is from the start of the file. Otherwise it is an offset from the current position.

integer, intent(in) offset
The number of bytes to skip from the given position. Zero means either the start of the file or the same position.

pos = binstream_tell( stream )
Return the current position in the file (in bytes, the first byte is taken as 0).

type(binary_stream) stream
The variable by which to reference the file

call binstream_read( stream, var, error )
Read a variable "var" from the current position in the file.

type(binary_stream) stream
The variable by which to reference the file

(...), intent(out) var
The variable to be read. It can be either a character string, a (default) integer, a (default) real, a (default) logical or a double-precision real. Also one- and two-dimensional arrays of these types are supported.

call binstream_write( stream, var, error )
Write a variable "var" at the current position in the file.

type(binary_stream) stream
The variable by which to reference the file

(...), intent(in) var
The variable to be written. It can be either a character string, a (default) integer, a (default) real, a (default) logical or a double-precision real. Also one- and two-dimensional arrays of these types are supported.


The module makes a number of assumptions:


Copyright © 2006 Arjen Markus <>