flibs/strings(n) 1.0 "flibs"


flibs/strings - Manipulate file and directory names




use filedir
rootname = filedir_rootname( filename )
extension = filedir_extension( filename )
basename = filedir_basename( filename )
dirname = filedir_dirname( filename )
dirname = filedir_concat( directory, filename )
newname = filedir_add_extension( filename, extension )


The filedir contains a number of routines to manipulate file and directory names:

These are all relatively simple routines, but they are fairly common, hence the module.


The module contains the following routines:

use filedir
To import the subroutines, use this module.

rootname = filedir_rootname( filename )
Strips the extension if any off the file name and returns the result.

character(len=*) filename
Name of the file

extension = filedir_extension( filename )
Returns the extension if any found in a file name

character(len=*) filename
Name of the file

basename = filedir_basename( filename )
Returns the base name of a file (so, without the directory part)

character(len=*) filename
Name of the file

dirname = filedir_dirname( filename )
Returns the directory part of a file name

character(len=*) filename
Name of the file

dirname = filedir_concat( directory, filename )
Prepend the directory to the file name

character(len=*) directory
Directory to prepend

character(len=*) filename
Name of the file

newname = filedir_add_extension( filename, extension )
Append an extension to the file name

character(len=*) directory
Directory to prepend

character(len=*) filename
Name of the file
Note: The functions all return strings that are large enough to guarantee that the entire result can be hold. In many cases, the length is the same as that of the input argument, but for instance with file_add_extension it is the sum of the lengths of the two arguments plus 1 (for the dot).


Copyright © 2005 Arjen Markus <arjenmarkus@sourceforge.net>