Fortran is well described in a number of books, but not all aspects of it will become clear just from reading and studying them. This page is intended to highlight a few details that can be easily overlooked and to describe a few styles of programming that may be unfamiliar to most Fortran programmers.
Compiler extensions and limitations
Modules and generic source code
Functional programming
Using work arrays
Another look at generic source code
Read-only components in a derived type
Read-only variables
The singleton pattern
A little known aspect of direct access files
This section is intended to list a few of the aspects that can cause surprises.
First of all, not all compilers implement the complete standard. The features listed below are not supported by at least one compiler:
function double_string( string ) result(r) character(len=*) :: string character(len=2*len(string) :: r r = string // string end function
type grid real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: x, y end typeIf you do not want to rely on this, use the pointer attribute instead.
Then there are a number of extensions - features that are accepted by some compilers, but that would flag errors with others:
ingredients = (/ 'eggs', 'butter', 'flour', 'salt', 'water' /)Strictly speaking, strings of different length have different types. Always use strings with the same length (this also applies to the merge() function).
Quite from the question whether such short names are wise, do not use .t. or .f. for this purpose.
integer :: ivalue character(len=20) :: string string = '12.34' read( string, * ) ivaluemay fail with one compiler but happily succeed with another.
Conclusion: if you need to check whether a string is a valid representation of an integer (or a real), do not rely on list-directed input (see: Checking integer values).
While "true" genericity may not be possible with the current standard (Fortran 90/95), we can achieve a lot with just a few devices that are available:
Here is an example (from "test_queue.f90"):
module MYDATA_MODULE type MYDATA character(len=20) :: string end type MYDATA end module module MYDATA_QUEUES use MYDATA_MODULE, QUEUE_DATA => MYDATA include "queues.f90" end module MYDATA_QUEUESThe code in the file "queues.f90" is completely independent of the type of data we want to store in the queues.
The main limitation of this style of genericity is that you can only store data of the same type in such queues. When you need queues for more than one data type, you can follow the method of example "two_lists.f90" in the tests directory.
Another limitation is that you can only store derived types in this way - basic types like "INTEGER" or "REAL" can not be renamed (and the syntax gets in the way: type(QUEUE_DATA) versus REAL for instance.)
Whether these limitations are prohibitive, depends entirely on the problem at hand: if you do need to store data of different types in a single "container", then you also need some way of identifying the type. And type safety is becoming an issue - will you always use the contained data in the right way (for instance pass it to routines that can handle such data)?
In principle it is possible to store data of different types in a single container like the queues above: via the TRANSER() function. But if that can be avoided, your program will probably be simpler to understand.
As long as the work arrays are "small", you can use automatic arrays, but the problem is that these can cause a stack overflow - resulting in an abrupt abortion of the program without a chance to catch it.
The alternative is to allocate an array (alocatable or pointer) of the appropriate size, but that has a performance penalty - memory allocation is time-consuming. You also need to take care that the memory is deallocated again (though in Fortran 95 this is automatically taken care of by the compiler under certain circumstances - allocatable arrays that do not have the target or the save attribute). The advantage, however, is that runtime errors can be caught, so that you can write a decent error message to the screen or log file.
Can these two approaches be combined? Yes, they can, as the following example shows:
subroutine mkwork( size_problem ) integer :: size_problem real, dimension(min(100,size_problem), target :: work1 real, dimension(:), pointer :: work ! ! Decide which of the two to use ! (really requires Fortran 95, because of the ! status of the pointer) ! if ( size_problem <= 100 ) then work => work1 else allocate( work(1:size_problem) ) endif ... Do the job ! ! Free the work array, when it was allocated ! if ( .not. associated( work, work1 ) ) then deallocate( work ) endif end subroutine mkworkAnother way to solve the problem, is simply to use allocatable/pointer arrays with the save attribute:
subroutine mkwork( size_problem ) integer :: size_problem real, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: work if ( .not. allocated(work) ) then allocate( work(size_problem) ) else if ( size_problem >= size(work) ) then deallocate( work ) allocate( work(size_problem) ) endif endif ... Do the job ! ! We do not free the memory! ! end subroutine mkworkThat way you keep the cost of memory allocation down to a minimum: you simply allocate a new array when encountering a problem of a larger size. Any smaller problem can be solved with the previously allocated memory.
The drawback is that you have a small memory leak to worry about, but it is limited as there is only one chunk of memory per subroutine.
real, dimension(1:100) :: a, b b = 2*aThis is in fact a simple form of functional programming. In languages like LISP, Haskell or ML the fundamental data type for a collection of data is the list. While not at all equivalent to an array in Fortran, these lists are often used via operations, such as map and filter that are quite easy to simulate in Fortran, or are simply present in another guise:
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: x, y, value logical, dimension(1:size(x)) :: accepted real, dimension(:), allocatable :: xf, yf, valuef ! Filtered data points accepted = value .ne. -999.0 number_data = count(accepted) allocate( xf(1:number_data), yf(1:number_data), valuef(1:number_data) ) xf = pack( x, accepted ) yf = pack( y, accepted ) valuef = pack( value, accepted )The alternative is to use an explicit loop:
j = 0 do i = 1,size(x) if ( accepted(i) ) then j = j + 1 xf(j) = x(i) yf(j) = y(i) valuef(j) = value(i) endif enddoClearly this is lengthier and easy to get wrong.
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: x, y, value real :: xtarget, ytarget integer, dimension(1) :: idx idx = minloc( (x - xtarget) ** 2 + (y -ytarget) ** 2 ) write(*,*) 'Closest point: ', x(idx(1)), y(idx(1))(The only unfortunate thing about this is the fact that we have to declare a short array idx instead of an ordinary variable). Compare this to the alternative:
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: x, y, value real :: xtarget, ytarget real :: dist, distmin integer :: idx idx = -1 do i = 1,size(x) dist = (x(i) - xtarget) ** 2 + (y(i) -ytarget) ** 2 if ( idx .eq. -1 .or. dist .lt. distmin ) then idx = i distmin = dist endif endif write(*,*) 'Closest point: ', x(idx), y(idx)We have an explicit do-loop and we need to take care of the initial case, done here by a special (impossible) value for the target.
logical function okay(string) character(len=*) :: string character(len=20) :: form integer :: ierr integer :: ival write( form, '(a,i0,a)' ) '(i', len(string), ')' read( string, form, iostat = ierr ) ival okay = ierr == 0 end function okayAs discussed above, it is not enough to read the string with list-directed input (the very powerful "read(...,*)", you need to use formatted input.
If the string contains several integers, like "12, 34, ...", you can check the first value like this:
logical function okay(string) character(len=*) :: string character(len=len(string)) :: first character(len=20) :: form integer :: ierr integer :: ival okay = .false. read(string, *, iostat = ierr ) first if ( ierr == 0 ) then write( form, '(a,i0,a)' ) '(i', len(string), ')' read( first, form, iostat = ierr ) ival endif okay = ierr == 0 end function okay
Solve a system of ordinary differential equations:
x' = f(t,x,a), t = 0,...,T x(t=0) = x0where x is a vector of N dependent variables, f a function describing the derivative of x w.r.t. time and a is a set of parameters.
We would like to make a general library for solving this type of systems. The start is simple: Define a routine that takes a parameter f to represent the right-hand side (the name of a function subprogram) and the routine can be any convenient numerical method.
But then we run into problems: how to represent the set of parameters a? For one problem an array of reals might do, for another we would need a more complicated data structure.
The numerical method is independent of this parameter - just pass it around. But Fortran does not allow us to define a generic type. Mucking about with the transfer() function is one solution but you can not hide it from the user then.
Another problem, perhaps more mundane, is that we would like to print (output, save) intermediate results. But that leads to a second routine we would like to pass to the generic, mathematical algorithm.
Can we solve this problem in a more general, indeed generic way? Yes, we can: using reverse communication. But that leads to a complicated interface:
But the user does have to program this loop. And we would like to hide the gory details.
This is actually possible and here is a sketch of how to do that:
function f( t, x, a ) result( r ) real(kind=wp) :: t real(kind=wp), dimension(:) :: x type(params) :: a real(kind=wp), dimension(size(x)) :: r end function
subroutine print( t, x, a ) real(kind=wp) :: t real(kind=wp), dimension(:) :: x type(params) :: a ! a stores the LU-number as well end subroutine
subroutine solve( f, t0, t1, x, a ) use solution_library interface function f( t, x, a ) result( r ) use params_module real(kind=wp) :: t real(kind=wp), dimension(:) :: x type(params) :: a real(kind=wp), dimension(size(x)) :: r end function end interface real(kind=wp) :: t0 real(kind=wp) :: t1 real(kind=wp), dimension(:) :: x ! Initial condition at ! start, final result at end type(params) :: a ! a stores the LU-number as well include '' end subroutine solve
! ! Sketch only ! type(solution_struct) :: solution ! Required for bookkeeping call init_solution( solution, t0, t1, x ) t = t0 do call step_solution( solution, t, x, task ) select case( task ) case( print ) call print( t, x, a ) case( deriv ) x = f( t, x, a ) case ( completed ) exit endselect enddoThe user of the library does not have to change this generic part and the author of the library does not have to deliver any other source code.
You can of course use a "get function to get the value of the component:
type personal_data private integer :: year_of_birth ... end type integer function year_of_birth( data ) type(personal_data) :: data year_of_birth = data%year_of_birth end functionThis can be cumbersome in computations, as accessing the data has a different form than using them directly: year_of_birth(data) versus data%year_of_birth.
With a bit more work (but that can be made general enough), you can create read-only components (note that all direct access to the read-only integer is excluded, unless the user explicitly uses the read_only_types module:
use read_only_types private :: set_ro_integer, ro_integer ! Imported from read_only_types, but they ! should not be passed on type personal_data type(ro_integer) :: year_of_birth ... end typeThe module read_only_types looks like this:
module read_only_types type ro_integer private integer :: value end type ! ! Interfaces to computational facilities ! interface assignment(=) module procedure set_int_to_ro_int end interface ! etc. ... contains ! ! To be used by trusted modules only ! subroutine set_ro_integer( ro_value, value ) type(ro_integer), intent(out) :: ro_value integer, intent(in) :: value ro_value%value = value end subroutine ! ! Publically available routines ! subroutine set_int_to_ro_int( value, ro_value ) integer, intent(out) :: value type(ro_integer), intent(in) :: ro_value value = ro_value%value end subroutine ! etc. ... end moduleWith this technique, the user can freely use the component year_of_birth without being able to override the value, unless doen via the facilities offered by the encompassing personal_data type.
There is one caveat: you can not simply print the value of data%year_of_birth, as the contents of that component are private...
Here is a complete, slightly silly program that uses the above:
module read_only_types type ro_integer private integer :: value end type ! ! Interfaces to computational facilities ! interface assignment(=) module procedure set_int_to_ro_int end interface ! etc. ... contains ! ! To be used by trusted modules only ! subroutine set_ro_integer( ro_value, value ) type(ro_integer), intent(out) :: ro_value integer, intent(in) :: value ro_value%value = value end subroutine ! ! Publically available routines ! subroutine set_int_to_ro_int( value, ro_value ) integer, intent(out) :: value type(ro_integer), intent(in) :: ro_value value = ro_value%value end subroutine ! etc. ... end module module personal_data_facilities use read_only_types private :: set_ro_integer, ro_integer ! Imported from read_only_types, but they ! should not be passed on type personal_data type(ro_integer) :: year_of_birth end type contains subroutine set_birth_year( data, year ) type(personal_data) :: data integer :: year call set_ro_integer( data%year_of_birth, year ) end subroutine end module program test_pd use personal_data_facilities type(personal_data) :: data integer :: year call set_birth_year( data, 2000 ) year = data%year_of_birth write(*,*) 'Year: ', year !write(*,*) 'Year: ', data%year_of_birth ! Alas, this does not work end program
module read_only_variables type ro_integer private integer :: value end type ! ! Interfaces to computational facilities ! interface assignment(=) module procedure set_int_to_ro_int end interface ! etc. ... type(ro_integer) :: ro_variable = ro_integer(10) ! Our read-only variable contains ! ! Publically available routines ! subroutine set_int_to_ro_int( value, ro_value ) integer, intent(out) :: value type(ro_integer), intent(in) :: ro_value value = ro_value%value end subroutine ! etc. ... end module program test_ro use read_only_variables integer :: value ! ! This works: ! value = ro_variable ! ! But this does not: ! value = 30 ro_variable = value end program
As Fortran 90/95 does not support object oriented programming perse, is it impossible to use the Singleton pattern? Let us examine the properties of such singleton objects:
This means that direct access files require a bit more care than you might think (actually, there are or have been compilers that put a header at the top of the file to indicate the record length, so the situation is even worse, in its generality).
Let us focus on the more common situation though that the record length may or may not be expressed in bytes. Here is a small routine that determines the unit of record length in bytes:
subroutine bytes_in_rec( bytes ) implicit none integer bytes character*8 string integer i integer ierr open( 10, status = 'scratch', access = 'direct', recl = 1 ) do i = 1,8 write( 10, rec = 1, iostat = ierr ) string(1:i) if ( ierr /= 0 ) exit bytes = i enddo close( 10, status = 'delete' ) end subroutine bytes_in_recThe routine simply tries to write as many characters (bytes) to a record of length 1 as possible. The maximum for which this is possible without a runtime error is taken to be the number of bytes in the unit of record length.