flibs/m_vstringformat(n) 1.0 "flibs"
flibs/m_vstringformat - Formatting dynamic strings
Formatting logical values
Formatting integer values
Planned features
The module m_vstringformat provides services to format one string, that is to
say to convert a basic fortran data type into a dynamic vstring.
The current version of m_vstringformat can handle logical variables
and integers of all kinds. The format can be given by the client code,
or computed automatically. The format can be given as a basic character
string, or as a vstring.
The only method provided here is vstring_format, which takes one basic
basic fortran data type as the first argument (and, optionnaly, a format),
and returns a dynamic string which represents that value.
One can format a logical into a vstring with automatic or explicit format.
In the following sample, one format the ".false." logical into a vstring.
After formatting, the string "mystring" has a length of 1 and its content
is "F".
logical :: mybool
type ( t_vstring ) :: mystring
mybool = .false.
mystring = vstring_format ( mybool )
In the following sample, one format the ".false." logical into a vstring
with an explicit format given as a character string :
logical :: mybool
type ( t_vstring ) :: mystring
mybool = .false.
mystring = vstring_format ( mybool , "(L3)" )
After formatting, the string "mystring" has a length of 3 and its content
is " F".
In the following sample, one format the ".false." logical into a vstring
with an explicit format given as a vstring :
logical :: mybool
type ( t_vstring ) :: mystring
type ( t_vstring ) :: myformat
mybool = .false.
call vstring_new ( myformat , "(L3)" )
mystring = vstring_format ( mybool , myformat )
call vstring_free ( myformat )
One can format an integer into a vstring, with automatic or explict format.
The string formatting system can handle all fortran kinds of integers.
The automatic format makes so that the resulting string has the
length which exactly matches the number of digits necessary to represent
the integer :
- if the integer is negative, the "-" sign is at the begining of the string,
- if the integer is positive, the "+" sign is not in the string.
In the following example, one formats the integer 2008 into a vstring.
After formatting, the string has a length of 4 and its content is the
string "2008".
type ( t_vstring ) :: mystring
mystring = vstring_format ( 2008 )
To acheive the same effect, one can use the "I0" format of the fortran 90
standard :
type ( t_vstring ) :: mystring
mystring = vstring_format ( 2008 , "(I0)" )
The component can handle long integers with specified kinds 1, 2, 4 or 8.
In the following example, one automatically format a 32-bits integer
(1073741824 = 2**31) into a dynamic string.
integer (kind=4) :: integerkind4 = 1073741824
mystring = vstring_format ( integerkind4 )
After formatting, the string has a length of 4 and its content is the
string "1073741824".
The current implementation of the string formatting is based
on the standard "write" fortran statement, which takes
a basic character string as argument.
Moreover the format given to the string formatting command
is not analysed at all, so that the length of the resulting
string is not computed.
The current component use therefore a character string of
This leads to at least two limitations :
- if the client code has to manage formated strings which length is over
current algorithm will generate an error at execution time.
- the "write" statement has to manage a long string, even
if the result is short, which raise performances issues.
The current string formatting takes only one value.
An effective implementation would in fact take a list of
one or more arguments, which may be of different types.
The current implementation does not manage real values.
The limitations of the current component are so strong that the
component should not be released... but is useful to format
integers and that is why it has been finally released.
It is expected that future releases of this component can manage
more basic data types, including real types of all kinds.
Future releases may also extend the formats by taking into account
string formatting coming from other languages than fortran (for example C),
- the "-" specification which specifies that the converted argument
should be left-justified in its field
- the "+" specification which specifies that a number should always
be printed with a sign, even if positive.
- etc...
- vstring_format value ?fmt?
- <value type>, intent(in) :: value
- <fmt type>, intent(in), optional :: fmt
Generic converter from a basic fortran data type into a vstring.
Returns a new dynamic string with type t_vstring by formating the
given value against the optional format fmt.
The value may be a logical or and integer of kind 1, 2, 4 or 8 to format.
If fmt is provided, then this format is used to compute the
new string. If format is provided, it may be either with a character(len=*) type
or with a t_vstring type.
If format is not provided, an automatic format is computed and applied
to compute the new string. With automatic format, the computed
string has a minimum length, that is, does not contain any blank and
begins with "-" only if the value is a strictly negative integer.
- vstring_format logical_value
- logical , intent(in) :: logical_value
Returns a new vstring by formatting the logical logical_value
with automatic format.
- vstring_format logical_value fmt
- logical , intent(in) :: logical_value
- character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
Returns a new vstring by formatting the logical logical_value
with the given character(len=*) format fmt.
- vstring_format logical_value fmt
- logical, intent(in) :: logical_value
- type ( t_vstring ), intent(in) :: fmt
Returns a new vstring by formatting the logical logical_value
with the given vstring format fmt.
- vstring_format integer_value
- integer (kind = INTEGER_KIND ), intent(in) :: integer_value
Returns a new vstring by formatting the integer integer_value with an automatic format.
With automatic format, the computed
string has a minimum length, that is, does not contain any blank and
begins with "-" only if the integer_value is a strictly negative integer.
The INTEGER_KIND kind of integer may by 1, 2, 4 or 8.
- vstring_format integer_value fmt
- integer (kind = INTEGER_KIND ), intent(in) :: integer_value
- character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
Returns a new vstring by formatting the integer integer_value
with the given format fmt.
The INTEGER_KIND kind of integer may by 1, 2, 4 or 8.
- vstring_format integer_value fmt
- integer (kind = INTEGER_KIND ), intent(in) :: integer_value
- type ( t_vstring ), intent(in) :: fmt
Returns a new vstring by formatting the integer integer_value
with the given format fmt.
The INTEGER_KIND kind of integer may by 1, 2, 4 or 8.
Copyright © 2008 Michael Baudin michael.baudin@gmail.com