flibs/datastructures(n) 1.0 "flibs"


flibs/datastructures - Unordered sets




call set_create( dataset )
call set_destroy( dataset )
size = set_size( dataset )
call set_add( dataset, elem )
call set_delete_element( dataset, elem )
has = set_haselement( dataset, elem )
has = elem .elementof. dataset
equal = set_equal( set1, set2 )
equal = set1 .eq. set2
notequal = set_notequal( set1, set2 )
notequal = set1 .ne. set2
has = set_hassubset( dataset, subset )
has = subset .subsetof. dataset
newset = set_union( set1, set2 )
newset = set1 .union. set2
newset = set_intersection( set1, set2 )
newset = set1 .intersect. set2
newset = set_exclusion( set1, set2 )
newset = set1 .intersect. set2


The sets.f90 source file allows you to implement unordered sets of any (derived) type without having to edit the supplied source code. To this end a simple technique is used, which is best illustrated by an example:

! The data that will be stored in the sets
    integer :: value
end type MYDATA

! As derived types are compared, we need to define
! how to compare them
interface operator(.eq.)
    module procedure mydata_isequal
end interface

logical function mydata_isequal( v1, v2 )
    type(MYDATA), intent(in) :: v1
    type(MYDATA), intent(in) :: v2

    mydata_isequal = v1%value .eq. v2%value
end function mydata_isequal

end module MYDATA_MODULE


    include "data_for_sets.f90"


    include "sets.f90"
end module MYDATA_SETS

The above code defines a module MYDATA_MODULE with the derived type that is to be stored in the sets. The name of that derived type can be anything.

It also defines a module MYDATA_SET_STRUCTS which prepares the underlying data structure. The reason for this two-layer process is that you need to be able to define the name of the modules that are involved yourself. (Otherwise it would be impossible to use two or more sets holding different types of data in one program.

It finally defines a module MYDATA_SETS which will be the module that holds the functionality to use unordered sets:

To use a single type of sets in a program, we can just use the MYDATA_SETS module. If you need more than one type of data in sets, then apply the same renaming trick on using the specific set modules.

In fact the example in the source file "two_lists.f90" shows the general technique of how to accomplish this.


The source file sets.f90 provides the following routines:

call set_create( dataset )
Create a new empty set.

type(SET) dataset
The variable that will be used for accessing the set

call set_destroy( dataset )
Destroy the set. All elements contained in it will be destroyed as well.

type(SET) dataset
The set to be destroyed

size = set_size( dataset )
Function to return the number of elements in the set.

type(SET) dataset
The set in question

call set_add( dataset, elem )
Insert a new element in the set. If the element is already present, nothing is done.

type(SET) dataset
The dataset to add the element to.

type(SET_DATA), intent(in) elem
The element to be stored

call set_delete_element( dataset, elem )
Delete the given element from the set.

type(SET) dataset
The list in question

type(SET_DATA) elem
The element to be deleted

has = set_haselement( dataset, elem )
Returns whether or not the given element is in the set.

type(SET) dataset
The set in question

type(SET_DATA) elem
The element to be checked

has = elem .elementof. dataset
Returns whether or not the given element is in the set. (The operator version)

type(SET) dataset
The set in question

type(SET_DATA) elem
The element to be checked

equal = set_equal( set1, set2 )
Returns whether or not the two sets contain the same elements.

type(SET) set1
The first set

type(SET) set2
The second set

equal = set1 .eq. set2
Returns whether or not the two sets contain the same elements. (The operator version)

notequal = set_notequal( set1, set2 )
Returns whether or not the two sets do not contain the same elements. (The operator version)

type(SET) set1
The first set

type(SET) set2
The second set

notequal = set1 .ne. set2
Returns whether or not the two sets do not contain the same elements. (The operator version)

has = set_hassubset( dataset, subset )
Returns whether or not one set is contained in the other set.

type(SET) dataset
The set that may hold the second one

type(SET) subset
The set that may be a subset of the fist

has = subset .subsetof. dataset
Returns whether or not one set is contained in the other set. (The operator version)

type(SET) subset
The set that may be a subset of the other

type(SET) dataset
The set that may hold the first one

newset = set_union( set1, set2 )
Returns the union of two sets.

type(SET) set1
The first set

type(SET) set2
The second set

newset = set1 .union. set2
Returns the union of two sets - operator version.

newset = set_intersection( set1, set2 )
Returns the intersection of two sets.

type(SET) set1
The first set

type(SET) set2
The second set

newset = set1 .intersect. set2
Returns the intersection of two sets - operator version.

newset = set_exclusion( set1, set2 )
Returns a copy of the first set with the elements of the second set excluded.

type(SET) set1
The first set

type(SET) set2
The second set

newset = set1 .intersect. set2
Returns a copy of the first set with the elements of the second set excluded - operator version.


Copyright © 2006 Arjen Markus <arjenmarkus@sourceforge.net>