flibs/strings(n) 1.0 "flibs"


flibs/strings - Manipulate and store strings




use edit_text
call edit_delete( string, pos, length )
call edit_insert( string, pos, substring )
use singleline_text
length = txt_length( text )
call txt_cleanup( text )
pos = txt_index( text, substring, back )
call txt_from_string( text, string )
call txt_from_string( text, string )
call txt_read_from_file( lun, text, eof )
call txt_write_to_file( lun, text )
call txt_delete( text, pos, length )
call txt_insert( text, pos, substring )
use multiline_text
length = mltxt_length( text )
length = mltxt_number( text )
call mltxt_cleanup( text )
call mltxt_insert( text, pos, line )
call mltxt_delete( text, pos )
call mltxt_get( text, pos, line )


The file textstr.f90 contains three fairly small modules, designed for simple text manipulation and storage:

The facilities offered by these modules are geared to storage and some basic manipulations. They are not meant to be a complete module for arbitrary-length strings. hence the module.


The modules singleline_text and multiline_text each a suitable derived type:

Type to hold a string of arbitrary length.

Type to hold a set of strings of arbitrary length.


The module edit_text contains the following routines:

use edit_text
To import the subroutines, use this module.

call edit_delete( string, pos, length )
Delete a substring from a string.

character(len=*), intent(inout) string
String to be modified

integer, intent(in) pos
Position of the first character to be deleted

integer, intent(in) length
Length of the substring to be deleted

call edit_insert( string, pos, substring )
Insert a substring into a string.

character(len=*), intent(inout) string
String to be modified

integer, intent(in) pos
Position after which to insert the substring (use 0 to insert it before the string)

character(len=*), intent(in) substring
Subtring to be inserted

The module singleline_text contains the following routines:
use singleline_text
To import the subroutines, use this module.

length = txt_length( text )
Return the length of the text. As this is a pure function, you cna use it to define temporary strings of the correct length.

type(TEXT_STRING), intent(in) text
Text string to be examined

call txt_cleanup( text )
Clean up the storage for a previous text string. The result is an empty string.

type(TEXT_STRING), intent(inout) text
Text string to be examined

pos = txt_index( text, substring, back )
Return the index (position) of a substring in the text.

type(TEXT_STRING), intent(in) text
Text string to be examined

character(len=*), intent(in) substring
Substring to be found

logical, optional, intent(in) back
Search from the start (.false.) or from the back (.true.)

call txt_from_string( text, string )
Store a string in a text_string type. Trailing blanks in the original string are explicitly stored.

type(TEXT_STRING), intent(inout) text
Text string to be created/filled

character(len=*), intent(in) string
Ordinary string to be copied into the text string

call txt_from_string( text, string )
Store the contents of a text_string type in an ordinary string. If the string is too short, the result will be a truncated string.

type(TEXT_STRING), intent(in) text
Text string to be copied

character(len=*), intent(out) string
Ordinary string to be filled

call txt_read_from_file( lun, text, eof )
Read a text string from a file (one complete line).

integer, intent(in) lun
The LU-number of the file

type(TEXT_STRING), intent(out) text
Text string to be created/filled

logical, intent(out) eof
Indicates whether end-of-file was reached or not

call txt_write_to_file( lun, text )
Write a text string to a file (as one complete line). If the LU-number is smaller/equal 0, it is written to the screen.

integer, intent(in) lun
The LU-number of the file

type(TEXT_STRING), intent(in) text
Text string to be written

call txt_delete( text, pos, length )
Delete a substring from a text string.

type(TEXT_STRING), intent(inout) text
Text string to be modified

integer, intent(in) pos
Position of the first character to be deleted

integer, intent(in) length
Length of the substring to be deleted

call txt_insert( text, pos, substring )
Insert a substring into a string.

type(TEXT_STRING), intent(inout) text
String to be modified

integer, intent(in) pos
Position after which to insert the substring (use 0 to insert it before the string)

character(len=*), intent(in) substring
Subtring to be inserted

The module multiline_text contains the following routines:
use multiline_text
To import the subroutines, use this module.

length = mltxt_length( text )
Return the maximum length of all text strings stored. Useful to define temporary strings.

type(MULTILINE_TEXT), intent(in) text
Multiline text to be examined

length = mltxt_number( text )
Return the number of text strings stored.

type(MULTILINE_TEXT), intent(in) text
Multiline text to be examined

call mltxt_cleanup( text )
Cleans up a multiline text - all text strings are deleted temporary strings.

type(MULTILINE_TEXT), intent(in) text
Multiline text to be cleaned up

call mltxt_insert( text, pos, line )
Inserts a text string or an ordinary string as a new line of text after the given position.

type(MULTILINE_TEXT), intent(inout) text
Multiline text to be modified

integer, intent(in) pos
Position after which to insert the new line (use 0 to make it the first line)

(...), intent(in) line
Ordinary string or text_string variable holding the text that will be inserted.

call mltxt_delete( text, pos )
Delete the line at the given position.

type(MULTILINE_TEXT), intent(inout) text
Multiline text to be modified

integer, intent(in) pos
Position of the line to be removed.

call mltxt_get( text, pos, line )
Return a pointer (!) to the line at the given position. Note: no copy is made, but a pointer is returned. This means you can change the line of text via this pointer.

type(MULTILINE_TEXT), intent(inout) text
Multiline text to be examined

integer, intent(in) pos
Position of the line to be returned

type(TEXT_STRING), pointer line
Variable that will point to the line of text


Copyright © 2005 Arjen Markus <arjenmarkus@sourceforge.net>